

Component useful to render some info like topics, classifications, etc.

selector: stc-chip

How to use

This component can render a chip with an image and with a close icon (closeable) as well. The default chip configuration show just a text.

Simple chip

    <stc-chip text="simple chip"></stc-chip>

Closeable chip

    <stc-chip text="closeable chip" closeable></stc-chip>

Chip with image

    <stc-chip image="/assets/images/stenciljs.jpg" text="image chip"></stc-chip>


name type description
text string Text will be shown in the center of chip
image string The image url will be shown in the left side of chip
closeable boolean Whether the chip can be closed. Default value is false.


name value description
stc-chip:close void Event triggered when user closes the chip. This event only will be triggered if closeable prop be true