

Component useful to show content with tabs.

selector: stc-tabs

How to use

You’ve to use the component stc-tab-header to render a tab header and the component stc-tab-content to render the tab header content.

The prop name value should be equal for stc-tab-header and stc-tab-content.

  <stc-tab-header slot="header" name="tab1">Tab 1</stc-tab-header>
  <stc-tab-header slot="header" name="tab2">Tab 2</stc-tab-header>

  <stc-tab-content slot="content" name="tab1">
     Content 1

  <stc-tab-content slot="content" name="tab2">
     Content 2

Tab 1 Tab 2 Content 1 Content 2

Tab Content


name type description
name string Identifier to group the content and header

Tab Header


name type description
name string Identifier to group the content and header